Low Vision Resources in Georgia
Task Force Empowering Blind Indepenence
We are excited to share the inaugural efforts of the Task Force Empowering Blind Independence with you!
The Task Force Empowering Blind Independenc...

Visually Impaired Foundation of Georgia
Founded in 1997 by Low Vision Consultant Wendy Mons, vifGA serves as a vital lifeline for anyone touched by vision loss in the state.

Vision Rehabilitation Services of Georgia
VRS offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to each client's individual needs.

Savannah Center for Blind and Low Vision
SavannahCBLV has evolved into a vital support system for individuals experiencing vision loss across 29 counties in southeast Georgia.

Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
Living with vision loss can present unexpected challenges and limitations. But in Georgia, hope and opportunity shine brightly thanks to the Georgi...

Georgia Academy for the Blind
The Georgia Academy for the Blind (GAB) is a state-funded, residential school for students with visual impairments. Located in Macon, Georgia, GAB ...

Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind
Discover the amazing transformation that awaits individuals aged six and above living with visual impairments at the Georgia Lions Camp (GLC). Expe...

Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation
The Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation (GLLF) is a non-profit organization that provides vision care services and support to Georgians who are bli...

Georgia Library Services for the Blind
The Georgia Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (GLS) is a free service that provides library materials and services to people who are...