Resources for the Blind and Visually Impaired

We are excited to share the inaugural efforts of the Task Force Empowering Blind Independence with you!

The Task Force Empowering Blind Independence (TFEBI) promotes independence for blind and low vision Georgians. We intend to do this by improving access to the specialized tools and services Georgia’s visually impaired community needs to thrive, one initiative at a time.

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If nothing changes, nothing changes. And we all agree big change is long overdue. Forming a new 501c3 organization takes time. This process is underway. Fortunately, not every creative solution takes money. Collaboration will fuel our initial efforts!

Initiative #1: Establishing a Welcoming Front Door on the Internet

We will develop an accessible, user-friendly online platform where individuals can easily locate and connect with Georgia vision rehabilitation professionals. Eye care professionals can make HIPAA compliant direct referrals for patients through this portal as well. This free digital hub will serve as a central resource, guiding users to experts they need for personalized support and rehabilitation.

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Initiative #2: Mobile Workforce Empowerment & Training Program

To bridge the gap for underserved communities, the Task Force will launch a pop-up blind skills program aimed at providing training and resources to rural areas. The program will deliver adaptive technology training, job skills workshops, and direct vision rehabilitation training in service deserts. Today many parts of Georgia offer no COMS or VRT training for working age adults not connected to Veterans Affairs. Our goal is twofold. First, to ensure blind and low vision Georgians have access to essential skills and employment pathways. Second, to foster economic opportunity for vision rehabilitation professionals to attract more talent into our field.

These projects can only succeed if YOU get involved.


Low Vision Resources

Learn More
Image of students in a classroom raising their hands.

Funding Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired Students

A comprehensive guide for schools to access IDEA grants and other funding for assistive technology.
Image of a blind student reading braille.

2025 Assistive Technology Funding Guide

Learn more about how schools, libraries, and non-profits can secure funding for assistive technology for the blind and visually impaired.
Image of a blind student learning braille with a TVI.

Scholarships and Grants for the Blind and Visually Impaired - 2025

Your 2024 guide to scholarships for the blind and visually impaired.